Interview with Nb Ricky, the artist behind the song “cocoa Butter”
Harmonizing Memories: Ricky Reveals the Heartfelt Inspiration Behind His Palmer's
Collaboration in Candid Interview with Mai, Palmer's Middle East Marketing
Mai: Hello Ricky, it's a pleasure to have you here today to discuss your collaboration with Palmer's. To start off, could you share your earliest memory involving cocoa butter?
Ricky: Hi Mai, thanks for having me. Certainly, my first cocoa butter memory takes me back to my childhood in a village in Cameroon. I remember a weekend when my mother came home from the market with a surprise gift – Palmer's cocoa butter lotion. Since that day, it's been a constant in my life, tied to that cherished childhood moment.
Mai: That's a beautiful connection. Moving on to the song you've written for Palmer's, what inspired you to create this musical piece?
Ricky: Well, Mai, I've been using Palmer's cocoa butter lotion for as long as I can remember. The scent and the feel of it have always resonated with me. It's a part of my daily routine, and that personal connection inspired me to write the song. I wanted to convey how Palmer's has been a consistent and positive presence in my life.
Ricky: Ah, that's a tough choice! Palmer's has such great products, but if I had to pick, I'd say I love the original cocoa butter formula, the moisturizing oil, and the men's lotion. Each of them adds something special to my daily routine, making Palmer's an essential part of it.
Mai: Thank you, Ricky, for sharing these personal insights into your connection with Palmer's and the inspiration behind the song. We're truly excited about the positive impact your collaboration will bring..